
A worded walk around Collserola

Discover the sunniest part of the mountain range while enjoying sayings and poems which speak about winter.

A worded walk around Collserola

Now you can get closer to the Collserola mountain range in a very unusual manner, thanks to the walk being organised by the Vallvidrera – Vázquez Montalbán civic centre entitled ‘El sol de l’hivern’ [winter sun].

The sun conditions the walk, which takes in the part of the mountains which gets the most sunlight. During the walk, participants can enjoy sayings and poems which speak about winter.





Held at: 
Centre Cívic Vallvidrera Vázquez Montalbán
Centre Cívic Vallvidrera Vázquez Montalbán. A partir del 12 de desembre. Dimarts i dimecres, de 10 a 14 h, i de dilluns a divendres, de 16 a 21 h